
English german translate
English german translate


It is a comparative assessment but not a recognition certificate. The ZAB Statement of Comparability can facilitate access to the German labour market for holders of foreign higher education qualifications.


The Statement of Comparability is an official document issued by the "Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen" (Central Office for Foreign Education – ZAB) that describes a foreign higher education qualification, its professional and academic usage.


Now copy the text and use it anywhere on emails, chat, Facebook, Twitter, or any website. Get a quick, free translation Type your text and click Translate to see the translation, and to get links to dictionary entries for the words in your text. Now you will get the German language sentences in Unicode format. Type letters in English sentence, then click to convert button. More information Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honeys Business Dictionary (German-English).

english german translate

English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. German Translator tool is simple to convert from German to English. English-German translation for: dictionary. The English to German translator can translate text, words and phrases into over 100 languages. Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications Google translate tool is accurate and fast. Free Online English to German Online Translation Service. Institutions, Examinations, Qualifications, Titles and other Specialist Terms.

  • Basic structure of the educational system in the Federal Republic of Germany (Diagram). Google Translate is probably the most well-known translation tool, not only for the German language but for most languages in the world.
  • In cooperation with the German EURYDICE Unit of the Federal Government in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. A description of the responsibilities, structures and developments in education policy for the exchange of information in Europe.
  • The Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany 2018/19.
  • The following documents published by the documentation and information service of the Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder are available in English: More information The Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany It is a consortium of ministers responsible for education and schooling, institutes of higher education and research and cultural affairs, and in this capacity formulates the joint interests and objectives of all 16 federal states. The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs is the oldest conference of ministers in Germany and plays a significant role as an instrument for the coordination and development of education in the country.

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    English german translate